Next office hours
Date: Tuesday 1/28/2025   Time: 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
In person (Room JCC 440J): YES
Zoom: NO ... There will be no ongoing zoom session, but if you are away or sick you may email to ask whether I can set one up for you.
Office Hours Schedule and Hints
I have a part time appointment at Tufts, and since I will be lecturing for CS 40 on different days for different weeks, my on-campus days will, unfortunately, be a little irregular for Spring of 2025. Here's how we will handle office hours:
Most weeks, when I am able to get to campus, I will hold Spring 2025 office hours every Tuesday from 3:15 - 4:00 PM, but some weeks (e.g. when I am lecturing only on Thursday) I may choose a different day or time.
- In all cases, as soon as I know my schedule, I will announce my next available office hours immediately above. If that shows a day in the past, then that means I have not yet announced a schedule for next OH.
- You are always welcome to email me at if you need to meet with me at some other time, or if my published schedule is not proving convenient. Depending on whether I am on campus or at home, we can arrange to meet in person or via Zoom.
- Remember: for most technical and logistical questions, your first stop should be Piazza. That way, your question will be seen not just by me, but by the entire course staff. We encourage you to make your post public (unless you are sharing code fragments or design details from you HW solutions), in which case your questions and the answers will also be seen by all the other students in the class. They may have answers for you before the staff does, and everyone will benefit from seeing the discussion.
COVID PREVENTION: Please Wear a Mask to In Person Office Hours
Due to my age and some medical conditions I am at higher than average risk of complications if I were to get COVID. Therefore, I would be very grateful if you would wear a mask when coming to my office for office hours. Indeed, if you insist on not wearing a mask (Tufts no longer requires it in Tufts buildings), then I will likely ask that we meet outside or in some other well ventilated space (or via zoom). Thank you for understanding. I usually have extra masks in my office, so don't let not having one keep you from stopping by if you want to see me.