Active member of the Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology research group, the Optimal Transport research
group, and the HILDA group.
January 2020 one of three inaugural recipients of the
Tufts Tripods Fellowship.
September 2019 Started PhD at Tufts University under the
advisement of Lenore Cowen.
July 2019 Recipient of the Microsoft Research Award for
outstanding dissertation entitled "Constrained Graph
Clustering" under advisement of He Sun.
Graduated July 2019 from the University of Edinburgh with
a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics, 1st
Statistical learning theory - VC-Dimension, Rademacher
complexity, PAC learning, bias-variance tradeoff,
convergence rates and concentration inequalities.
Network Science - Graph clustering, spectral graph theory,
multi-network integration, graph algorithms, random-walk
Optimal Transport - Statistical optimal transport,
population barycenters and clustering, numerical methods.
Spend personal time reading, playing chess, hand
embroidering, and cooking.
Member of the Tufts Ultimate B-Men.
I enjoy exerise in many forms including - Biking, swimming,
weight lifting, running, squash, golf, and ultimate frisbee.