Alexander Bai

I'm Alexander Bai (白与尘). I'm currently a senior at Tufts University majoring in computer science and mathematics, advised by Jeff Foster and David Smyth. I'm a member of TuPL, where I work on synthesizing Dafny programs

I'm interested in programming languages, formal methods, and automated reasoning.

I was a research intern under Bryan Parno, working on Verus, a verification language for Rust in summer 2023. In summer 2024, I'm a research intern under Ben Titzer, working on a DSL for WebAssembly instrumentation. Both of these internships are through the REUSE program.

Feel free to reach me at

Starting from Jan 2025, I will be working at MPI-SWS under Andrea Lattuada and Derek Dreyer.

I'm a TA for a number of courses at Tufts.

CS 160 Algorithms (Fall 2024)
EN 1 Exploring Computer Science (Fall 2024)
CS 160 Algorithms (Spring 2024)
EN 1 Exploring Computer Science (Fall 2023)
CS 163 Computational Geometry (Fall 2023)
CS 105 Programming Languages (Spring 2023)
CS 160 Algorithms (Fall 2022)
CS 170 M1 Theory of Computation (Fall 2022)